Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Busy busy busy....

So with all the x-mas cards and the Christmas craziness around the studio.... what did I not do yet until 2 days ago? Get a Christmas tree with my family! They were starting to wonder if we were ever going to get out there and do it. My husband suggested, that since things are so insane, that maybe this year, the best thing we could do is just buy one that is already "cut down" trees - NO NO NO!!! Tradition is tradition, come rain, come shine, come earthquake..... we always have to cut down our own Christmas Tree at the same Christmas tree farm..... every year and I wasn't about to compromise THAT! So..... Sunday we head out..... after a great breafast we headed to Candle Tree Farm in Taylorstown. It's beautiful there but what is more fantastic than that are the memories we have...they are priceless. So......... as we are driving there it starts to snow... HARD. Hummmmm........... (I hate the cold) Tradition I said. It's a beautiful thing. So we went. . .

Arriving at the farm we parked. It's been not so cold, back and forth and so it was VERY muddy. No big deal. Then the wind started and it was CCCOOOLLLLLDDD!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhh! TRADITION! So my kids start to run toward the trees to "pick" and the same ol' discussion begins..... to big, to small, it's got a gap, it's a Charlie Brown Tree, it's not the kind we like, too prickly and It goes on...... my son says, "let's just pick one already" and my daughter is frozen. They point, "it's that one" - ok my husband says, No hesitation!!! Out comes the saw....

He pretends to not be able to do it..... the kids are helping. They are falling on the floor, they are under the tree..... we are all trying sooooo hard! :-) After a lot of commotion, it's done, the tree is on the floor and all the mud that WAS around it on the ground is now wearing beautifully on our clothing. Get in the truck!!!! We are all frozen!

Arriving at home is always as crazy..... bring it in, set it up, take the net off, put water in it..... lights, garland, ornaments EVERYWHERE.
You know... I am a great photographer but this whole Holiday, go shopping, decorate and stuff.... It's hard for me. I just don't know how Santa does it. The elves must keep Santa organized. Wonder If I could borrow a few elves..... hum. . . now there's a thought!

It's up. Finally! Wash your shoes, do the laundry, clean up the boxes.... get a bath, go to bed! It's a school night. . . so we wake up Monday morning and THE TREE FELL OVER!!!!! OK. . . . I have NEVER had this happen to me..... so what did we do Monday? Decorate the tree ALL OVER AGAIN! Hope it's still up when we get home today..... yikes!

Wishing all of you a fantastic holiday season. May you enjoy your families, your little ones, parents and even that one family member that drives you crazy!!! :-) A family is a beautiful thing. Embrace it, love it and hold onto it. And lastly, thank you, all of you who have shared your lives with us at Studio M. We feel blessed to know so many fantastic people!

Merry Christmas!

Maria, Kari, Pamm and Lori (here at Studio M!)

and my family Christina, Dylan and Sean :-)

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