Sunday, November 30, 2008


Meet Janet and her husband Jon and their 3 year old Katie. Janet is a GREAT friend of mine. . . the kind of friend that you can call at any moment and know that she will help you, just because…. She’s the kind of person that goes out of her way to make me smile…. She plays pranks on me to get me to laugh and goes as far as being sneaky and doing things behind my back just to make me happy. Her husband Jon, well, he is no different. He is just as wonderful and caring as she is. See Janet and Jon together after 10 years of marriage and you will see just how much they love each other… Katie is a doll baby and is adorable. This is one very lucky and amazing family and I for one am EXTREMELY lucky to be a part of their lives. Maria

Sunday, November 23, 2008

It happens every year...

People tell me all the time how lucky I am to be able to do what I do, and how great it is that I can "capture" my children... ha.

Capturing my children is hard. Now, I DO have BEAUTIFUL portraits of them but they came with a LOT of patience on my end and A LOT of complaining and arguments and yes....occasional tears. My daughter loves being photographed... my son ... he tolerates it. BUT photographing them TOGETHER.... it's tough. I laughed so hard when I saw this today... I am going to blow this up HUGE for my house because this one image just says it all. I have beautiful images from today... but this one takes the cake.

Smiles to all....


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Photography Classes

Did you ever wish you knew more about cameras and how to take GREAT images? Well, here is your chance! We are offering two photography classes in February and space is limited! We only take 8 people per class. We have one morning and one evening class to suit everyone's needs! And here is the best part.... sign up before December 5th and get $50 off!!! These classes could also make a great Christmas gift along with that camera under the tree! This is a REAL photography class.... not just how to use your camera! You will leave here after a few weeks taking amazing images! To sign up call us here at Studio M at 724-745-4405

Call now!!!

You can also view information on this class on our main website at


If only they could stay this little. Love these little guys!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Julie & Shaun

This weekend I had the ultimate privaledge of being a matron of honor in my sisters wedding AND the photographer! It was a tough job but I had the best time ever! To Julie and Shaun, may your lives together be filled with much love and laughter! All my love to you both! Enjoy Cancun!!! All images may be viewed online ... you can check them out on our site in a few weeks!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween Party

Our Halloween event on Oct 26 was a HUGE hit! I wish I would have had time to BLOG about it sooner but with all our appointments and traveling to Florida for my sisters wedding this weekend, well, time got the best of me! I do however want to thank all the families that came and also those who donated blood! I am so lucky to be surrounded by such a GREAT group of wonderful people. The kids had a GREAT time with pumpkin painting, spider making and all the stuff we had going on. I think everyone enjoyed the goodies and it felt good to create a little awareness for the McGuire Memorial and raise money to support Mitchell’s Project. We were also able to save 81 lives with the 27 final donations we had, although we are still very thankful to those who showed up for their appt but for whatever reason could not donate their blood… it’s the thought that counts! We took lots of family images and saw some AWESOME costumes! Everyone that came also voted on the most “beautiful baby” and the winner was JOCELYN. Jocelyn won the $350 baby gift certificate! Also, all that showed up got a chance to enter and win a $500 gift certificate, those who donated blood got double entry….. and the winner for that was Brad Carpenter! We had just done some amazing images of the Carpenter Family and I could not have been happier for them! The men started getting a little anxious about the steeler game so my husband hooked up the projection screen and they all enjoyed it very much! Here is a little show and some images too! We plan on doing this again next year….so if you didn’t join us this year, please stay tuned and come next year! It was a TON of fun!

Here is my family including my parents that are up from Brazil visiting...

Here I am photographng two cuties ....

And.... here is their image!

And..... giving the gift of life! My employees did not miss the chance to catch this! A gothic princess donating blood! :-) Here is our baby contest winner... Jocelyn!