Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween Party

Our Halloween event on Oct 26 was a HUGE hit! I wish I would have had time to BLOG about it sooner but with all our appointments and traveling to Florida for my sisters wedding this weekend, well, time got the best of me! I do however want to thank all the families that came and also those who donated blood! I am so lucky to be surrounded by such a GREAT group of wonderful people. The kids had a GREAT time with pumpkin painting, spider making and all the stuff we had going on. I think everyone enjoyed the goodies and it felt good to create a little awareness for the McGuire Memorial and raise money to support Mitchell’s Project. We were also able to save 81 lives with the 27 final donations we had, although we are still very thankful to those who showed up for their appt but for whatever reason could not donate their blood… it’s the thought that counts! We took lots of family images and saw some AWESOME costumes! Everyone that came also voted on the most “beautiful baby” and the winner was JOCELYN. Jocelyn won the $350 baby gift certificate! Also, all that showed up got a chance to enter and win a $500 gift certificate, those who donated blood got double entry….. and the winner for that was Brad Carpenter! We had just done some amazing images of the Carpenter Family and I could not have been happier for them! The men started getting a little anxious about the steeler game so my husband hooked up the projection screen and they all enjoyed it very much! Here is a little show and some images too! We plan on doing this again next year….so if you didn’t join us this year, please stay tuned and come next year! It was a TON of fun!

Here is my family including my parents that are up from Brazil visiting...

Here I am photographng two cuties ....

And.... here is their image!

And..... giving the gift of life! My employees did not miss the chance to catch this! A gothic princess donating blood! :-) Here is our baby contest winner... Jocelyn!

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