Friday, November 5, 2010

The Clock is Ticking

On November 14 & 15th we are holding our second annual "Oh Bebe Mio" Baby contest where any baby ages 0 to 12 months can enter to won over $1000 in prizes. There will be two winners, a BOY and a GIRL. But this isn't just a contest: it's a fundraiser. Here at Studio M we have spent countless hours preparing for this BIG event. We are so excited to do it again. LAST YEAR we raised $6400 for children's cancer. This year?

This year we chose a fantastic cause:

DAUGHTERS is a non profit organization that is dedicated to creating possibility for talented young women through their education and through telling their life stories, and thereby creating strong societies.
Daughters is a registered non-profit organization with a vision to create possibility for talented young women living in bereft social circumstances so that they may empower themselves. This will alleviate their personal suffering, promote their independence , help them to thrive and thus will strengthen their societies and promote economic development, social justice and peace.

So . . . you still don't quite understand why this cause is SO IMPORTANT? Well.... watch is video and you will most certainly get it. One minute of your time now, could mean a much stronger future for thousands of women and families. Please watch!


Have a baby or know someone with a baby? Have them join in and be part of our contest! It's only a $10 entry fee and there are unbelievable prizes! Like.... a $500 gift certificate to studio M, a $200 savings bond, jewelery, restaurant gift certificates etc. Please help us make this a HUGE success and tell everyone you know!

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